Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Amazing Race Weeks 3 and 4

Since I missed week three last week, I am watching it right before tonight's episode.

Episode 3

It starts with the hook up between the frat boys and team rack. Well, that didn't take long. No real PDA yet, I'm sure it will come. Gotta love the hippies. Jumping out and scaring the frat boys, riding the AdoraDork's VW-front and rear- and the headbutt. On the other hand, you gotta love Scott Peterson standing on top of the car looking for the right road. Ha. Idiot.

Oops...I spoke too soon. Frat boys bites Team Rack's Rack. 18.5 min into the episode.

Scott tells Lacy not to be a bitch. Sweet, I see a concrete block and a boat coming soon.

My prediction last week was that the old idiots go. I really want to see Scott and Lacy lose though. I get to watch two episodes tonight, so maybe they both go.

Ah yes, the African American woman who can't swim. Can we please have a mandatory swim training this summer in Como? I will work it for free. Why are stereotypes true?

Please tell me that my tamales aren't losing because the mom can't go under water....lord.

Team Rack leaves their bag behind at the Pool. Are you kidding me? What would Scott do to Lacy if she took off her fanny pack and left it there?

Frat Boys in first again. But, no Pit Stop. I guess it is good that I didn't watch it last week since it is a continuation for this week.

New episode starts in 10 min...

On to Stuttgart....

And here is a dollar for your troubles. (The hippies tipped Phil a dollar.) That reminds me of a very funny story about a kid who I taught in Burleson who tipped me an extra dollar that I had given him for a reward system. I told him that I had to take a dollar for him talking out and he told me to take an extra one for my trouble.

Americans should know that all Germans under the age of 65 speak English. If you didn't know that, consider this your sign.

No wait...Don't back up! Love the Travelocity Gnome. Nice Gnome, Buddy!!

Scott is about to break a bottle over Lacy's head. Great!

The Frat boys win again. That is 3 out of 4. That is serious domination. Get kissed by the hot German girl, sleep over with Team Rack, called great Cassanovas by Phil. They move up the list of favorites. Bj and Tyler come in 2nd. Hippies rule...SANTA!

Tamales are falling down the list quickly. Mom cant swim, Daughter says that all the gnomes are gone. It is time for them to go. Now. Tonight.

Tamales in last.....and....eliminated. Good. They deserve that. Time for Team Rack to go hook up. See you next week.

Updated list of Cool....

9. Tamales..Has anyone fallen so far so fast? (LW:2nd-T)
8. Scott and Lacey...These two are perfect for each other. (LW:8th)
7. MoJo..Were they even on this Episode? (LW:7th)
6. Team Rack...They fall because of their poor choice of teammates. (LW:5th)
5. The Hood Rats...Not likable, non unlikable. Just blah. And, she swam pretty well. (LW:6th)
4. The Old Couple..Dropped the idiot part from their name--growing on me. (LW:9th)
3. The AdoraDorks..Good episode for them, they almost were eliminated the first half of this episode. (LW:2nd-T)
2. Frat Boys...Movin on up! Reasons listed above. (LW:3rd)
1. SanFranPsuedoHippies..Still the best! Make me laugh every second. (LW:1st)

Spring Break

Well, Mandy and I went to Three Rivers and then to New Mexico for spring break. Three Rivers was a quick trip where we met up for Aunt Deb's birthday party. She seemed very surprized to have all of us there for her party. After driving home Sunday morning, we borded a plane flying to New Mexico. We landed in Albur-quirky and drove to Santa Fe that night. On the way we had some New Mexican food that was amazing. (Actually we had our last dinner of the trip it was so good-and a few other troubles as well.) It is called The Range. It is awesome. Yum. Great food, cool atmosphere, and quite possibly the best ice cream I had ever put in my mouth. I will finish my trip report later along with a two week wrap up of Amazing Race. By the way, it is Tuesday....Taco Dinner at Rosa's for 3.33? I think so.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


I enjoyed him on The Daily Show and now that he has his own show I find it growing on me. Here is one of his daily WORD segments. Anti-war folks should enjoy.


I am about to leave to go to Three Rivers, TX. We are driving back Sun morning. I will try to update then. If not, I will blog again next week after returning from New Mexico.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Stupid Cheerleader

I know that this story should be one that I should like. I always love the stories of atheletes playing through pain. Hell, Coach Bryant played with a broken leg versus Tennessee. However, a broken leg and a broken neck are different. I saw this video last week of this girl falling fifteen feet on her head. She screwed up and did the stunt wrong. So they strap her to the gurney and the band starts up the fight song as she leaves the floor. She gives the thumbs up and goes off, right? Wrong. She starts doing the cheer as the band is playing. Why, oh why, could she not have moved around enough to finish snapping her neck in two? That would have made me enjoy the story much more. I could only find still pics of this girl. If anyone can find the link to the video I will take you out for dinner. I need this video. Badly.

Update...I owe Mairead dinner.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Together Again...

I wonder if Bette is available for a rededication, maybe Christopher and Dana can be reunited in DC.

Is there room up there for two?

Amazing Race Week 2

After the first episode that was two hours, last nights episode seemed like thirty minutes. Let me back up for a second. Last night's taco dinner at Rosa's was awesome (even of they did jack up the price to $3.33). Went with Maisy, Mairead, Nolan, and Steph, we had a great time. I hope this becomes a more regular thing. We already have plans to go again in two weeks. We'd go next week, but we are going to be in Albuquerque then.

Anyway, back to the race. I've decided I don't like Ray and Yolanda. They think they need to be in first place every second of the race to win. This ain't Nascar. You don't get no 5 point bonus for most laps led. Although, the trip to Tahiti looked pretty nice.

The directions on the card for the roadblock must have been difficult to understand, at least for non-hippies. Maybe it was written on Hemp paper. You have to wait on people to rappel down the building, just go to the next stairs! The only thing worse than their reading comprehension was Team Rack sending up the girl afraid of heights. However, it was exaggerated much like gay John's fear of flying.

Next task was the detour. It seems there are two kinds of detours, ones that are easy and takes lots of time, and ones that are hard and take a short amount of time. Example A: Last week flying a helicopter took almost no effort, but lots of time. Example B: Putting together a motorcycle with a box 'o parts, difficult, but if you know how, it can be a big time saver. Example A again: Crank out some gas from sugar cane, not hard to do, just takes some time. B: Climb up the waterfall cliff. Physically tough, but shorter amount of time. Both weeks the old idiots chose the wrong one. Last week they chose the motorcycle...not a sodoku puzzle, it's mechanically difficult! Still the idiot woman accountant thinks she will be able to put it together. Ha! This week they chose the waterfall. Are they really that stupid?! Unfortunately, it pays off for them anyway. Mostly because the Glamazons are the worst racers since Meredith & Gretchen. Next week, idiots, you are screwed! You are now the group who everyone else can beat, even of they screw around all day messing everything up.

The Hippies came in first and won the trip to Tahiti, good for them! They trust the locals to help, and it pays off. I would have liked to see the race between them and the frat boys, but I'm sure that will come soon enough. The dorks didn't kiss all episode, and they move up the like-ability chart because of it.

Speaking of like-ability chart...
9. The Old Idiots
8. Scott and Lacey
7. MoJo
6. The Hood Rats
5. Team Rack
4. Frat Boys
Tied for 2nd
Dorks and Team Tamale
1. The San-Fran-Pseudo-Hippies

That's it for this week's wrap up. Next week may be delayed due to Spring Break. Til then, may all your cards be live, and your pots be monsters.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Some websites for Rob


I can't believe he is dead. I know that he may have had some problems the last few years, but he still was one of my favorite players growing up. I never understood how a guy with an ass that big could be a great centerfielder. Kirby Puckett, dead at 45.

Oscars part deux...

So I was wrong. Brokeback loses, George only wins one and the hottest girl all night is Reese. Is this like the eighth movie named Crash to come out in the last five years or what? I haven't seen the film, but it doesn't sound like these people are getting off on car wrecks like the other one. Although, during the interpretive dance, it was pretty shocking to see some Chinese girl getting felt up. Jon Stewart recovered, but mostly because the three 6 Mafia won. The 30 seconds of the Source Awards was pretty entertaining. Speaking of Hustle and Flow, I'm kind of enamored with Nola. She can be in charge of me.

In other news, the funniest commercials out right now are out by VW. The creepy guy from Fargo makes me laugh. Oh Snap! But, even the Nazi's found a way to screw this up. They pick a Swedish guy to play the German. It's a German company for God's sake! You can't find a German in Germany? Maybe they couldn't find a funny German in Germany. Here's a link for the commercials:
Drop It Like It's Hot
Wrecking Ball In Da House
OH! Snap!


Sunday, March 05, 2006


So we are an hour in and so far I am unimpressed with Jon Stewart. He did diss Russell Crowe pretty well, but he is not Chris Rock or Billy Crystal. My guess is that Brokeback wins and Clooney wins everything he is nominated for. Just a guess. And, Rachel Weiss is pretty hot, kid or no kid. I will update at the end.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Episode One

I thought I would go through the episode in chronological order. However, I will, at least for the first episode, go through the show couple by couple and give my opinion on each.

Lake and Michelle, Married Parents
(Scott and Lacy Peterson)
These two are perfect for each other. The backwards thinking southern belle and her abusive husband. She will probably get slapped around some because I mentioned her name before his. It is very funny that half way through the first episode that he was already deemed as Scott Peterson. These teams are just introducing themselves to each other and he comes across as "wife-killer". Do I hope they get kicked off? Not yet, I am looking for some Domestic Violence first.

Danielle and Dani, Childhood Friends
(The Booby Twins)
Not a whole lot to say about them this week. The have nice boobs. They are from New York. They have annoying accents. I mean, not like Paolo family from last year, but slightly annoying. They did diss the two boys from Florida as being desperate. I hope they hook up with....

Bj and Tyler, Best Friends
(The SanFran PsuedoHippies)
Bj and Tyler are my picks to win the whole thing. They seem athletic, fun-loving, smart, and out of their minds. I told Mandy that they are like cartoon characters. If they win or not, they can sell their likenesses to Cartoon Network.

Ray and Yolanda, Dating
("I am from the Hood")
Ray showed more self control than I probably could have. When the young men from Sao Paulo were making cat calls at Yolanda, Ray composed himself and finished his Detour. Nice. If the young men had been doing the same thing to Michelle, how do you think Lake would have reacted?

John and Scott, Lifelong Friends
(Are they together?)
No seriously, are they together? I couldn't tell. They had the most truly touching moment of the episode, and likely for the whole season. I hate that they had to go out first. Traffic in the taxi cabs seems to be one of the biggest problem for teams.

David and Lori, Dating
(The AdoraDorks)
Alright. I like them. Alot. They seem to be in love. They seem to be dorks. They seem to have no flippin idea that we don't want to see them cutie-kiss all episode. She is the manager of a Pizza Hut. If they don't win, road trip to the Hut to get some cheese bread and tell her to stop sitting on top of her man all of the time.

Jeremy and Eric, Friends
(The Girl Crazy Idiots)
The boys from Florida have nothing on their minds except for playing volleyball, parking cars, and "parking" in cars. Their obvious objects of affection are the Booby Twins. I hope the twins string them along the whole time and they lose the million trying to get in where they fit in.

Fran and Barry, Married 40 Years
(The Idiots)
This couple deserved to be off first. If not for almost knocking over the clue box and not seeing it, then for when finding it saying that they didn't think it was there. Yep, the producers of the show have decided after eight seasons of good programming (well, seven good seasons) they are going to trick up this season by hiding the clue boxes from you for about a hour during the middle of the race. Have they ever seen the show? How do they not know what the clue boxes look like? Idiots.

Joni and Lisa, Sisters
(The Glamazons)
Bedazzling. I do not like these ladies now, but I also didn't like the Paolo family at the beginning of last season. I have a feeling that these ladies will grow on me like they did. One lives in Katy, so I guess she would be our state's only representation? Great. They both say they want some plastic surgery if they win. Nice.

Joseph and Monica, Dating
(Barbie...yes, Ken...not so much)
If you know me, you know how I feel about people from Arkansas, especially from Fayetteville. The shirts are stupid. Mo-Jo. Really? Show me some Mo-Jo. I think I might get some shirts made up for Mandy and I that say Mi-Ma or Ma-Mi or Am-Mi or Mi-Am. Yep, We will have some Mi-Am shirts with an Elephant giving it to a pig on the sleeve. (She is pretty hot though.)

Wanda and Desiree, Mother and Daughter
(The Hot Tamales)
I am in love with both of them. There was an older woman who lived next to Fluffy's parents in New Orleans when in college. She was awesome. She also had a beautiful daughter. I think she was from Brazil maybe? Anyway, I Wanda and Desiree remind me of them, and I am in love. Not as much in love as I am the girl with the voice at Rio Mambo, but close.

I am really looking forward to this season. I watched last season but wasn't happy with the family angle. The tour of the U.S. was pretty boring as well. I knew everything was good when the first thing they had to do was fly to Brazil. That's the Amazing Race we all know and love. As Mandy always says, "I don't want to see people at the Space and Rocket Center." Me neither. Why did it seem like all f the stuff they did in the U.S. was so lame compared to the usual destinations. I think it could have been better if there was an age limit of like 16. Not having little SCOOBS running around. Oh well, enough about last years crap, on to a good season.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

No Way

Yes, folks it's true. MC Hammer has his own Blog.

I found it when I was signing in. Crazy. He does have a cute kid. Who woulda thought. MC Hammer was one of the three CDs I bought when I got my first CD player. The other two were ETW, a Christian rap trio, and a double CD of The Nutcracker and Swan Lake. (I still have The Nutcracker...at least one of the CDs.) Gotta go. Earl is coming on. I will review the first episode of Amazing Race later.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Okay, If Mitch can do this so can I. I tried this about 3 years ago and made two posts. I have decided to try again. Here goes nothing.