Stupid Cheerleader

I know that this story should be one that I should like. I always love the stories of atheletes playing through pain. Hell, Coach Bryant played with a broken leg versus Tennessee. However, a broken leg and a broken neck are different. I saw this video last week of this girl falling fifteen feet on her head. She screwed up and did the stunt wrong. So they strap her to the gurney and the band starts up the fight song as she leaves the floor. She gives the thumbs up and goes off, right? Wrong. She starts doing the cheer as the band is playing. Why, oh why, could she not have moved around enough to finish snapping her neck in two? That would have made me enjoy the story much more. I could only find still pics of this girl. If anyone can find the link to the video I will take you out for dinner. I need this video. Badly.
Update...I owe Mairead dinner.
You SO owe me dinner. Check it out at:
Okay, I take it back. That link sucks. Just tried to watch it. Try this one:
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