Amazing Race Weeks 3 and 4

Since I missed week three last week, I am watching it right before tonight's episode.
Episode 3
It starts with the hook up between the frat boys and team rack. Well, that didn't take long. No real PDA yet, I'm sure it will come. Gotta love the hippies. Jumping out and scaring the frat boys, riding the AdoraDork's VW-front and rear- and the headbutt. On the other hand, you gotta love Scott Peterson standing on top of the car looking for the right road. Ha. Idiot.
Oops...I spoke too soon. Frat boys bites Team Rack's Rack. 18.5 min into the episode.
Scott tells Lacy not to be a bitch. Sweet, I see a concrete block and a boat coming soon.
My prediction last week was that the old idiots go. I really want to see Scott and Lacy lose though. I get to watch two episodes tonight, so maybe they both go.
Ah yes, the African American woman who can't swim. Can we please have a mandatory swim training this summer in Como? I will work it for free. Why are stereotypes true?
Please tell me that my tamales aren't losing because the mom can't go under water....lord.
Team Rack leaves their bag behind at the Pool. Are you kidding me? What would Scott do to Lacy if she took off her fanny pack and left it there?
Frat Boys in first again. But, no Pit Stop. I guess it is good that I didn't watch it last week since it is a continuation for this week.
New episode starts in 10 min...
On to Stuttgart....
And here is a dollar for your troubles. (The hippies tipped Phil a dollar.) That reminds me of a very funny story about a kid who I taught in Burleson who tipped me an extra dollar that I had given him for a reward system. I told him that I had to take a dollar for him talking out and he told me to take an extra one for my trouble.
Americans should know that all Germans under the age of 65 speak English. If you didn't know that, consider this your sign.
No wait...Don't back up! Love the Travelocity Gnome. Nice Gnome, Buddy!!
Scott is about to break a bottle over Lacy's head. Great!
The Frat boys win again. That is 3 out of 4. That is serious domination. Get kissed by the hot German girl, sleep over with Team Rack, called great Cassanovas by Phil. They move up the list of favorites. Bj and Tyler come in 2nd. Hippies rule...SANTA!
Tamales are falling down the list quickly. Mom cant swim, Daughter says that all the gnomes are gone. It is time for them to go. Now. Tonight.
Tamales in last.....and....eliminated. Good. They deserve that. Time for Team Rack to go hook up. See you next week.
Updated list of Cool....
9. Tamales..Has anyone fallen so far so fast? (LW:2nd-T)
8. Scott and Lacey...These two are perfect for each other. (LW:8th)
7. MoJo..Were they even on this Episode? (LW:7th)
6. Team Rack...They fall because of their poor choice of teammates. (LW:5th)
5. The Hood Rats...Not likable, non unlikable. Just blah. And, she swam pretty well. (LW:6th)
4. The Old Couple..Dropped the idiot part from their name--growing on me. (LW:9th)
3. The AdoraDorks..Good episode for them, they almost were eliminated the first half of this episode. (LW:2nd-T)
2. Frat Boys...Movin on up! Reasons listed above. (LW:3rd)
1. SanFranPsuedoHippies..Still the best! Make me laugh every second. (LW:1st)
Yea for the mandatory swim lessons. What's up with that? They have a lake and everything. It's so true. Great recap.
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