Amazing Race 3/28

Yea, I know, I am way behind. I watched this episode on 3/30 so I should have blogged then, but I have been chasing the fish this last week. (We have been 5 times this past week and a half.) Here we go....
Well, Scott proclaims himself the leader of his team again...big surprise. However, they do have a great idea to try to buy tickets on the internet while the ticket office is shut down. Sad times for them begin when The Pseudo Hipps decided to follow them after a spirited wheelchair race. They actually figure out how to see the page in English. The hipps get the flight out, Lacy and Scott get knocked back. Mistake #1.
Pal-er-MO, Italy. Pal-LER-Mo, Italy. Pa-Lerm-O, Italy. Palermino? Really? Idiots.
"She's a doctor's wife. She shouldn't be acting like that." She is acting that way because even though you should have been on the first flight out, you are behind everyone on your flight.
"We sat around with our thumbs up our butts."
Yes, you did. All of those people on your flight get to leave now. You, butt boy get to wait on the next flight to come in. This was one of the greatest blunders of The Amazing race this year. The lost almost 4 hours and 7 places. Idiots. Concrete block the bitch already. There has got to be a lake around there somewhere.
Psuedo Hipps are ahead of the pack and there is no waiting on any of the stops. They cruise to a easy win. "We get Pizza Pie!"
The AdoraDorks struggle this episode, both with the clothes and poor Girl-Dork nearly breaks down at the two extra pieces. She works as the manager of the Pizza Hut, she is not allowed to think outside the box.
The Yield is interesting. Each team has a reason to yield another team (except maybe the Hipps), however only on team uses it. It does influence the end of the race. Scott and Lacy yield Team Rack. This will come back to haunt them. They will be yielded in the future. Write it down.
Oh, I almosty forgot that they also missed the sign to head toward the tyemple or church or whatever. They get all the way to Phil before they realize they are wrong.
In the end, Team Rack can't put the body together as fast as The Hood Rats and they get the boot. It is sad for the FratBoys. How will they ever find any more girls in the world to mack on?
New and updated List of Cool...
8. Scott and Lacey...Worst race of any strong theam this season. (LW:8th)
7. MoJo..They will lose this week (LW:7th)
6. Team Rack...Out! (LW:6th)
5. The Hood Rats...Squeak out the last spot. (LW:5th)
4. The Old Couple..Doing well, may pass dorks if the dorks cant get with it. (LW:4th)
3. The AdoraDorks..Slipping, almost screwed up with the statue. (LW:3)
2. Frat Boys...Didn't win this week. They will this episode. (LW:2rd)
1. SanFranPsuedoHippies..Easiest leg ever? Will finish well again. (LW:1st)
Goes? MOJO. She says carrying a fish is the worst thing she has ever done? Bitch, you are from Arkansas. You fuck pigs. Pigfucker. Mo-Jo. They go IF there is an elimination. I personally don't think there will.
Win? The Frat Boys. They are too solid.
Remember. No Race tonight. Gotta wait til Wed.
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